Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Colour Selection

Due to Basix (thats the buidling and sustainability index for those outside of NSW) requirements, and on direction from our CSC at Masterton, we have been running around while I have some time off trying to determine all of our external colours.  I know its funny that we only started to design the house last week and we already have to chose what colour the house will be, but o well we can only follow the directions given.

So after some late nights discussing things and some running around today to a couple of different paint places because one store cant stock all the different paint suppliers for some reason, we have decided on the following:

Roof - Monier Traditional profile tile in Barramundi

Gutters - Colorbond Iron Stone

Downpipes and Fascia - Colorbond Evening Haze

Window frames - Ultra Silver Gloss

Garage door - Panel Glide in Colorbond Shale Grey

External paint -
Two colours, one for the main body of the house and the other for the feature areas (as highlights in the Savoy Facade picture below somewhere (pillars, around door and garage)):

Main - Taupe Stone

Feature - Gravel

I would have posted sample, however none of the sites (Taubmans, Colorbond) would play nice and I couldn't get access to them.

So thats one thing off our list of many many things to do over the coming weeks, but it feels pretty good to make some level of progress!

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