Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Preparation Plans Completed

So it's taken a few weeks, well around 6 I think, but we went to Warwick Farm on Saturday and went through our plans at last with our CSC.  She was pretty well organised and there weren't many problems with the plans to be honest we were both pretty happy with how the morning went.

One small problem was with our Complying Development (CD), turns out that the house was 78mm too tall to be considered a CD and that unless we authorised a slight amendment in a small amount of additional cut to bring the house down that we would need to go through a council DA.  Well hmm we thought that one over for about 6 seconds, and then said make the changes, CA through a certifier that takes all of a week or so, or a minimum of 3 months in council, no decision needed really.

Anyway so the plans are back with the drafters to amend the few small issues, and a few questions, and then we'll be on our way to the next phase (dependant on the sale of another property that is) so its all moving pretty well, couldn't be happier with it all.  :)

So once we have the final plans I'll put them up for the world to see.

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